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Hypnosis for Insomnia and Sleep Disorders

If you can’t get off to sleep or you keep waking up and are unable to go back to sleep, you’re not alone. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

The MindFree app sleep program helps you:

  • mentally relax and switch off your thinking
  • release physical tension and stress
  • program your brain to sleep when it’s time

Discover the drug free way to a good night’s sleep

Sleep sessions include:

  • Deepest sleep ever 2 hours
  • Sleep compilation 3 hours
  • Deep sleep phenomena 32 min
  • Sleep temple 24 min
  • Sweet dreams 30 min
  • Tranquil night 22 min
  • Sound asleep 24 min
  • Out like a light 17 min
  • And more …….

What others are saying


“Think Sleep is like a tranquiliser.  I had trouble sleeping for many years but now I am out like a light every night.”  Neil Bryant, Albion Park

“Mark’s voice is so relaxing in the beginning I would rarely get to the end of a hypnosis session without falling asleep.  I am also much more relaxed during the day and I have so much more energy.  The program has taught me the methods to let go of stress and switch my mind off. Now after using Think Sleep for a few months I only use it once or twice a week. Most nights I use the relaxation exercises and breathing exercises to go to sleep.”  Janette Green, Newcastle

“For years I had suffered insomnia. If I did get to sleep I would soon wake up again. Tossing and turning all night long. Not any longer, I now have a great sleep every night. I feel like a great weight has been lifted off my back. Thank you for such a great program.” Enid Baracek, Melbourne.

“No more sleeping tablets. Finally a way of falling asleep that is easy and natural. The only side effect is I am much happier and am bouncing around with energy. I love it because it is so easy to use and is giving me the deepest sleep every night.” Judith Johnston, Sydney

Increase calm, reduce stress, sleep better and feel happier.

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